Ark Regional Services
Laramie, Wyoming
Residential Supports
Your home, your choice
Residential Supports are individually-tailored supports that assist individuals with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to living in the community. These supports include adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living including medication assistance, light housekeeping, community inclusion, transportation, adult educational supports, and social and leisure skill development that assist a person to reside in the most integrated setting appropriate for their needs. Residential includes personal care, protective oversight, and supervision as determined by the person and their team, and as indicated in the Individual’s Plan of Care.
This service is provided based on individual needs and can range from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, depending on the individual’s funding level. Residential supports can be provided in a variety of settings of the person's choice from shared living environments to individual apartments and locations around our community.
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